Thursday 5 March 2009

A quick run to town

A massive thunderstorm has just pulled in over Bandung, so I am writing this on my unconnected lap-top and will upload it in a while. I have spent the last few days in Cicalung. The project is moving along well. I just finished a presentation that I will be doing next week for my examiner Kjell Aleklett and his research group Global Energy Systems. Take a look at it here if you are interested to see the latest transformation of my thesis project (password: biogas@lembang).

Matt and Meghan have come and gone. We did a lot of exploring by foot, played a bunch of cribbage, exchanged books and made guacamole. It was very nice to have them here and it made me feel just a bit more at home than before (nothing better than having guests to boost you perception of knowing a place). I guess they are now somewhere east of here, maybe between Bali and Lombok. Meghan is writing a blog (and Matt is writing some of the captions to the photos) where I am sure a bunch of photos from their visit will appear shortly. I have left my camera at home for the last week as Meghan seemed happy to do the shooting.

I am on my way back to Cicalung this afternoon (I just popped down to Bandung for some clean clothes and a few hours or so of internet). Yono is coming by to pick me up fairly soon so I better get my stuff together.


  1. Thesis project is looking good!

  2. grymt isak! jag är ju lite avis..

  3. Great works....I am looking forward to joining in your team in Bandung. Unfortunately, I am still in Austria now.

  4. Hej hej, du verkar ha det riktigt bra där borta. Jag har försökt läsa mig in på vad det är du gör därborta, men då just den biten inte riktigt sammanfaller med mina praktiska kunskaper inom ett helt annat gebit så får jag inte riktigt grepp om det. Det verkar vara väldigt intressant och inte minst ett bra projekt eftersom det verkar vara applicerbart i vardagen med inte alltför dyra medel.
    HA dte gott!
