Sunday 15 March 2009

New sounds, fried banana, and the cycle of life

My composter has been invaded by ants. Apparently this happens if you load it infrequently, or add a bunch of sweet things, like watermelon. There is an indonesian saying: Ada gula, ada semut (There is sugar, there is ant). So I spent the morning fishing watermelon pieces out of my composter and adding yet another ant-colony to the backyard of my house. Ants are extremely fascinating by the way. There are ants who live underwater, ants that can direct the way they fall, ants that build rafts, ants that herd caterpillars (they lead them to feeding areas in the daytime and bring them back to the anthill at night and then massage them so they excrete delicious honeydew). As if this wasn't enough, they thrive in almost all ecosystems (save marine and arctic ones) and are believed to constitute around 25 % of the animal terrestial biomass! Wikipedias ant-page is very entertaining...

Learning new languages and being here in Indonesia, there are a lot of new sounds in and around my head at the moment. Here are a few songs that I've been humming lately:

Ojeg Cunihin - Motorcycle-taxi playboy (sundanese pop song)
Aduh bagja Pisan (Wow I'm very happy)
Narik ojeg ngalarisan (I'm bringing my first ojeg passenger)
Nutumpakna guelis pisan (A passenger very beautiful)
Hate sok seseredetan (My heart is beating fast)
Keur Kasalameutan (For safety...)
Nuguelis kedah nyeupeungan (beautiful, grab on to me)

Tikus Kantor - Office mouse
Iwan Fals is indonesias bob dylan, without the harmonica.

Bubuy Bulan (trad. Sundanese song)
A song that I think is about various ways to cook celestial bodies (e.g. the moon, the sun and the stars), but I could be wrong. Also the video is really funny.

Speaking about cooking, here are some of the many things that I have enjoyed running through my body the last few months:

Spicy sambal peanut sauce, fried green beans, yellow rice, brown rice, fried banana (yes, I really do like it!), bala-bala (fried vegetable cakes), fried tempeh, fried noodles (yes, very many things are fried), gorengan (fried flour chips), fresh milk with cane sugar and of course everything that Wawa's mother cooks (I don't think I have had the same meal twice, and every time it is just as delicious).

Listening to a foreigner trying to sing Ojeg , is much more interesting than going to school...

Cicalung dangdut session

Just one of the many delicious meals with Wawa and his family


  1. Better practice the motorcycle taxi song diligently - we'll expect you to perform it when you get back to Sweden! Plus cook a great indonesian meal.

  2. Yeah goreng pisang (fried banana) is good! Too bad you can't get them here :P
